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SETB. 2015; 49(2): 131-4

Comparison of body mass index and lipid levels between obese and normal weighted hypothyroid patients

Ekmel Burak Özşenel, Mehmet Yavuz Gürler, Güzin Karatemiz, Fatih Borlu, Kübra Kalkan, Elif Güven, Nazan Demir Özcan, Fuat Şar, Süleyman Coşgun, Savaş Öztürk.


Objective: In hypothyroidic patients obesity and hyperlipidemia is more often. In this study hypothroid patients followed by Haseki Hospital lipid polyclinic evaluated and hyperlipidemia-obesity relation investigated.
Material and Method: Files of 37 hypothyroidic patients followed up by lipid polyclinic of Haseki Hospital between 2003-2006 years are evaluated retrospectively. Patients divided into two groups as obese (case) and nonobese (control) according to their body mass indexes (BMI) (?30=obese) at the time they refer. Age, sex, BMI, glucose, TSH, total-cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglyceride values of patients evaluated.
Results: 19 were obese (case group), 18 were nonobese (control group) from 37 patients with hypothyroidism admitted to our study. Case group had 1 male, 18 female, control group had 6 male, 12 female patients. In case group, HDL was lower (p

Key words: Hypothyroidism, hyperlipidemia, obesity, body mass index

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