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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2015; 13(1): 29-37

Factors affecting workers’ delivery of good hygienic and sanitary operations in slaughterhouses in north-central Nigeria

NB Alhaji & M Baiwa.


This survey assesses the levels of knowledge and preventive practices of workers on the hygienic and sanitary operations in slaughterhouses in Niger State, north-central Nigeria. A cross sectional survey was conducted on 385 workers aged 20 years and above between January 2013 and April 2013 using structured questionnaires and checklist to assess their knowledge and preventive practices about slaughterhouse operations. Majority (94.0%) of the respondents were males and most (69.6%) were married. Majority (34.3%) of the workers were in the age group 30–39 years. The mean age of the workers was 40.8±10.7 years. One in five (19.2%) were illiterates. Majority of the respondents 95.6% and 96.4% for meat hygiene and sanitation respectively did not have any previous training. About two-third of the workers (74.5%) had poor knowledge about good slaughterhouse operations and more than two third (86.2%) engage in poor preventive practices. The slaughterhouse workers in the age group 60-69 years were less likely [OR 0.1345; 95% CI 0.0397, 0.4553)] to have poor knowledge of the operations than those in the 20-29 age group. The workers with secondary and tertiary education were less likely [OR 0.3557; 95% CI (0.1706, 0.7418) and OR 0.1259; 95% CI (0.0556, 0.2851) respectively] to have poor knowledge than those without formal education. Workers who know correct definition of slaughterhouse hygiene were less likely [OR 0.3125; 95% CI (0.1862, 0.5244)] to demonstrate poor preventive practices, and those who are aware of the effects of improper operations on public and environmental health were more likely [OR 6.587; 95% CI (4.094, 10.6)] to demonstrate satisfactory preventive practices. This survey indicates the need to sensitize and organize trainings for slaughterhouse workers to improve their knowledge of standard slaughterhouse operations to produce wholesome meat and safeguard public and environmental health.

Key words: Abattoir workers, knowledge, operations, preventive practices, slaughterhouse, Nigeria

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