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RMJ. 2015; 40(1): 59-61

Frequency of tumor in thyroid specimen after subtotal thyroidectomy in multi nodular goiter

Mohammad Asif Khan, Syed Muhammad Saleem, Zafarullah.


Objectives: To determine frequency of malignancy in specimens of multi nodular goiter tissue after subtotal thyroidectomy.
Methodology: Specimens of whole thyroid were preserved in formalin solution, coded with patient data and submitted for histo-pathological examination.
Results. Out of 200 specimens, 19 were reported as carcinoma, with frequency as papillary 57.89%, follicular 21.05%, medullary 15.78% and anaplastic, 5.26% .
Conclusion. Chance of malignancy is always there in benign thyroid disease.

Key words: Multi nodular goiter (MNG), subtotal thyroidectomy, thyroid cancer

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