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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5416-5429

Paradigm Shift In Print Media: An Assessment Of Urdu Newspapers In Kashmir

Syed Aadil Hussain, Dr. Ruheela Hassan.


The new multimedia technological advancements have had an impact on news media all across the world. The transition to the new digital era presented a number of difficulties for traditional news dissemination methods, particularly in terms of expenditure, quality, diversity, language adeptness, and accessibility. The news media have evolved to be more interactive, quick, convergent, and affordable.
Due to a variety of factors, the newspaper industry in Kashmir contributes significantly to the media sector as there are no or few local television channels. With the increasing usage of online and social media, video news stories are made available by a plethora of individual users and groups, but the questions of reliability and credibility are there, which otherwise is not the case with newspapers. As Urdu has been the sole official language for many decades and still is one, it is the most commonly spoken language in Kashmir, and due to this reason, Urdu newspapers are the pioneers of journalism in Kashmir and continue to outnumber newspapers published in English and the native Kashmiri language. The Urdu press in Kashmir has faced several difficulties as a result of new technical developments, which have put a strain on this media. The current article focuses on the operations of Urdu newspapers in Kashmir in the context of these developments and examines whether or not these newspapers have been successful in overcoming the difficulties posed by digitization. The study is concerned with the difficulties, contemporary issues, and changes in Urdu Journalism in Kashmir. It focuses on several aspects that threaten Urdu journalism's existence, the struggles Urdu Press is facing, and what may be done to rekindle the splendor of Urdu newspapers (if any issues are there).

Key words: Multimedia, Digitization, Urdu Newspapers, media in Kashmir.

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