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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5437-5443

Evaluating The Methods And Importance Of Skill Performance Of Basketball Players



Deliberate and methodical repetition of sport-specific motions and methods are the focus of particular skill practices, which are an essential component of sports training. Training entails honing both the body and the mind in order to achieve peak performance in a certain activity. This research report examines basketball players' ability levels in depth. Players' ability to shoot, handle the ball, pass it, grab rebounds, and defend is only some of the talents that contribute to their success on the court. The focus of this review is on the significance of skill performance in male basketball players, the range of skills needed for the game, approaches to developing and honing those skills, methods for assessing skill performance, and the effects of skill performance on both individual and team success.

Key words: Skill Performance, Shooting, Dribbling, Passing, Rebounding, Defense

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