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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5444-5451

A Study Of Consumer Behaviour In Medical Tourism



The conceptual model has 10 dimensions. The dependent variables are customer happiness and the quality of the services. The independent factors include medical treatment, hospital ambiance and security, hospital location, hospitality, registration and networking, tour and travel amenities, testing facilities, pricing, and payment. Research gaps from earlier studies were discovered, and numerous models put forward by diverse authors underwent in-depth evaluations. Consumer behavior (CB) is a collection of behaviors that aim to satisfy the needs and wants of customers. According to its website, it is "concerned with all acts immediately engaged in procuring, using, and disposing of items and services, including the decision processes that precede and follow these actions." Travel behavior and tourist behavior are two terms that are often used to characterize CB, which is still one of the marketing and tourism fields that are being researched the most.

Key words: Consumer Behaviour, Tourism, medical treatment, customer happiness.

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