Proximate, mineral and antioxidant composition of the leaf and root samples of Pistia stratiotes were estimated using standard methods. The samples show appreciable levels of moisture (4.50±0.50%and 4.50±0.10%), crude fibre (17.50±0.87% and 20.50±1.80%), crude lipid (2.17±0.29% and 1.83±0.29%), crude protein (6.96±0.13% and 3.18±0.14%), ash (35.20±1.56% and 44.50±0.50%) and carbohydrate (38.20±2.08% and 30.00±1.46%) respectively. The minerals determined were sodium (373.00±0.50mg/100g and 113.00±0.06mg100/g), potassium (3283.00±0.76mg100/g and 1750.00±0.50mg100/g), phosphorus (336.00±0.10mg/100g and 313.00±0.03mg/100g), calcium (230.00±0.01mg/100g and 230.00±0.03mg/100g) and magnesium (370.00±0.03mg/100g and 230.00±0.03mg/100g) respectively. The antioxidant estimated are vitamin A (480.0±1.50mg/100g and 1050.00±1.50mg/100g), vitamin C (560.00±0.20mg/100g and 3130.00±0.31mg/100g) and vitamin E (8260.00±3.00mg/100g and 3060±1.83mg100/g) respectively. The results show that the leaf and root portions of P.stratiotes have potential nutritional uses and the leaf parts have significant (P
Key words: Pistia stratiotes, mineral elements, proximate analysis, antioxidants