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Feedback of medical students on teaching and evaluation methodology in Physiology

Florence Lalvarmawi, Uttam Banik, M Anita Devi.

Cited by 27 Articles

Background: Feedback from the students on adopted teaching and evaluation methodology is considered to be the best method to bridge the gap between teachers and students. It is an inexpensive and valuable tool to improve the quality of teaching. Feedback from the students could then be used to modify the mode of imparting knowledge according to the students’ perceived learning needs.

Aims & Objective: To obtain feedback on teaching and evaluation methods in the subject of Physiology from the students of three successive batches after passing their first professional undergraduate medical examination.

Materials and Methods: A written questionnaire covering various topics on teaching and evaluation methods was used to get feedback from the students.

Results: Majority of the students preferred revision cum self-study, tutorials, and terminal exams. Practical demonstrations were found to be very useful. Almost all the students feel that there should be more time for revision cum self-study.

Conclusion: Feedback from the students on teaching and evaluation methodology is considered to be the best method to bridge the communication gap between teachers and the students. It is evident from the feedback obtained that the students were satisfied with all the teaching methods adopted in our college.

Key words: Medical Students; Students’ Feedback; Teaching Methods; Evaluation Methods

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