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Effect of yoga on indices of cardiovascular system in Maharashtrian adolescent girls

Suchitra B Parkhad, Sachin B Palve, M Chandrashekar.

Cited by 16 Articles

Background: Yogic exercises are scientifically observable physiological and biochemical activities. Certain yogasanas decrease the sympathetic tone, rate pressure product (RPP), and double product (DoP) and improve cardiovascular endurance and anaerobic threshold.

Aims and Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of yoga training on cardiovascular response to step test and its time course after exercise in normal adolescent girls.

Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 200 adolescent school-going girls and mainly focused on assessing the effect of yoga training on improvement of heart rate (HR) by using parameters such as RPP and DoP. Change in the HR with response to exercise was determined by using two constructed staircases, each of 9 inch (22.5 cm) in height. HR and blood pressure response to exercise were measured in when the subject were in supine position before exercise and at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 min after the exercise. Rate pressure product [RPP = (HR × SP)/100] and double product (DoP = HR × MP), which are indices of work performed by the heart, were calculated.

Results: After 6 months of yoga training, exercise-induced changes on these parameters were found to be reduced significantly.

Conclusion: It is concluded that after yoga training a given amount of exercise leads to a milder cardiovascular response, suggesting better exercise tolerance. Exercise produced a significant increase in HR, systolic pressure, RPP, and DoP, and a significant decrease in diastolic pressure.

Key words: Double Product; Rate Pressure Product; Step Test; Yoga

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