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Nutritional status and anemia in medical students of SGRDIMSAR Amritsar

Manjeet Kaur, Arvinder Singh, Roopam Bassi,Harkirat Kaur.

Cited by 36 Articles

Background: Anaemia is a global public health problem. Adolescents are vulnerable to iron deficiency because of increased iron requirements related to rapid growth. Considerable changes in growth pattern, lifestyle, dietary habits, and behavior are likely to influence the haemoglobin levels among adolescents belonging to high-income group.

Aims & Objective: The objective of the study was to determine haemoglobin status and body mass index (BMI) in adolescents and study the correlation between them.

Materials and Methods: Three hundred medical students of Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (SGRDIMSAR, Amritsar, Punjab, India) belonging to both the sexes were studied after taking consent on format for anthropometric parameters using standard protocol. BMI of ≥18.5 kg/m2 was used to define undernutrition status. Haemoglobin level was estimated in g%. Statistical analyses were carried out using mean and standard deviation; Student’s t-test was used for measuring the effect of gender on correlation of Anaemia with BMI.

Results: In our study, 86 (45.7%) girl students were found to have Anaemia (Hb

Key words: Body Mass Index (BMI); Anaemia; Adolescents; Nutritional Status

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