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Case Report

Osteosarcoma of the Proximal Humerus in Adult Male Patients

Gulsen Aykol, Mehmet Fatih Erbay.


Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone malignancy. The incidence rate of the disease has peak in the adolesance period in which the bone growth is the most rapid. Primary osteosarcoma is typically seen in 10-20 year-old age adolesants. 75% of the cases are under the age of 20. The incidence of osteosarcoma is 1.5 times higher in males than females. Osteosarcoma commonly occurs in the metaphyseal region of the long bones where the most common affected sites are knee and humerus by the ranges of 60% and 10%, respectively. In this paper we presented the clinical and radiological findings of osteosarcoma which was detected in the proximal humerus of a young adult male patient referring us with shoulder pain complaint and pointed out the diagnostic value of direct radiography.

Key words: Osteosarcoma, adult, direct radiography

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