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Review Article

Revisiting feedback practises in formative assessment of Indian Medical Schools

Tripti K Srivastava, Lalitbhusahn S Waghmare, Sunita J Vagha.

Cited by 8 Articles

The research in formative assessment (FA) has evolved over the years by shifting paradigms from its actual need in medical education to its important components (recent focus). The primary purpose is to make it more beneficial to learners for attaining mastery of educational tasks and to educational institutes to revisit and reorganize curricular strategies. The central component (i.e., formative feedback), though agreed principally, is practiced sparingly in Indian medical schools. The article reviews the emergence of feedback practices in FA in medical education. It proposes some alternative in-class techniques for sound feedback strategies that can be adopted in medical schools, which are otherwise facing the challenges of intensified workload and crammed schedules, to support learning.

Key words: Medical Education; Formative Assessment; Feedback

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