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Determination of the information needs of patients having undergone colorectal cancer surgery

Sibel Yılmaz Şahin, Emine İyigün, Cengizhan Açıkel.


Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the information needs of the patients, who have undergone colorectal cancer surgery and having no ostomy, before discharge. Method: With the purpose of determining the information needs of the patients having undergone colorectal cancer surgery, the research was conducted in the General Surgery Clinic of a training research hospital between January 2012 and December 2012. Into scope of this research, 51 patients who had undergone colorectal cancer surgery, could communicate in Turkish Language, accepted to participate in the research and were planned to be discharged within 24 – 48 hours were included. With the purpose of collecting information, Patient Admittance Form and the Turkish Version of Patient Learning Needs Scale (PLNS) have been used. Results: Average age of the patients was determined to be 61.3. When the characteristics regarding the health condition of the patients were examined, it was determined that 1/3 of the patients had chronic illness (35.3%) and 2/3 of them had at least one operation (66.7%). When the diagnoses of the patients with colorectal cancer were examined, they were consecutively detected to be 52.9% colon cancer and 47.1% rectal cancer. In the study we conducted, Patient Learning Needs Scale total score was determined to be as 199.6±29.7. It was determined that before discharge the patients having undergone colorectal cancer surgery were in need of getting information regarding treatment and complications firstly, daily life activities secondly, life quality thirdly. Conclusions: In this study, patients were determined to be in need of high- level of information regarding discharge. Determining the requirements of the patients correctly and giving education accordingly will improve quality of life of patients.

Key words: Colorectal cancer surgery, information need, learning need, nursing care, discharge education

Article Language: Turkish English

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