Research Article |
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EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8661-8674 Global Leading Powers And Muslim World: A Case Study Of Kashmir Issue
Dr. Muhammad Bahar Khan, Saad Jaffar, Muhammad Waseem Mukhtar, Waqar Ahmed, Dr Sajid Anwar, Kashif Mehmood, Badshah khan. Abstract | | | | This paper is an endeavor to search the hidden realities under the global political umbrella which is just an illusion. Some powers have molded the international political system into mirage binding the weak states into agreements which prolong the rope of international monopoly. The unending net and web of “China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, and United States (P5)” is a best ambush. The real players of this political game are avoiding to solve so many issues of the world, and Kashmir is one of these. They have no concern about peace and welfare at any place in the world even in their own country’s backward areas or societies. They have not affection with each other as a human being. Although they solve global issues but leave them uncompleted or controversial so that the victimized nations remain dismay taking help from them like slaves. These powers have changed their rules of colonization slavery process. The back ground of the failure of UN touches to the P5 and their alliances palace-street. Kashmir issue is analyzed politically but in fact it is framed under the global economic-politics which is played by the invisible hands.
Key words: Political mirage, failure of UN, Kashmir, India, global politics, Pakistan