Introduction: The importance of the dental implantology has influenced the development of many treatment methods in this field. The aim of our study is to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment with TIOLOX-DENTAURUM dental implants in cases of partial and total lack of teeth, compared to classic dentures. To conduct our research we have used the prospective method. Material and methods: The analyzed cases have undergone surgical treatment at the Policlinic Shoshi in Prishtina during 20102011. This study included 29 patients, 23 in the research group and 6 in the control group. The patients involved in the study were 30-59 years old. 52,2% of our patients were 30-39 years old, while 17,4% were 50-59 years old. Results: In the research group, the average time of placing the dental bridges in the lower jaw was 2 months and 4.2 months in the control group. In the upper jaw, the average time was 3 months for the experimental group and 5,4 months for the control group. Conclusion: The period after the placement of implants until the placement of dentures, can be shortened from 4-6 months to 3 months for the upper jaw and from 3 to 2 months for the lower jaw.
Key words: Dental implants, Tiolox-Dentaurum, Polyclinic Shoshi, treatment