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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5495-5502

Role Of Nep 2020 In Promoting Women Education In India

Dr. Pranjal Kr Nath, Sumi Saikia.


The status of women in India has been subject to many changes over the span of recorded Indian history. Out of 135 core population of India,65.13% people live in the rural setup and women constitute around 48% of total rural population. It means women in India constitute a large number. In the context of women development, it can be said that in this 21st century world of globalization women in rural India are lagging behind in the matter of literacy rate. But it is very significant that the government of India has taken many innovative steps for eradicating socio-economic and other issues of women. Even the government of India has prescribed different governmental schemes and programmes for women’s development and their empowerment. NPE 2020 has also given importance on different important aspects which can directly or indirectly influence on women , these important aspects are- making equitable and inclusive education, making education very flexible, providing education to marginalized, disadvantaged groups, providing financial help for the economically weaker groups, giving importance on the principle of learning for all, special stipends to disadvantaged groups and socially backward sections, providing education to adult people through the mode of distance and adult education etc are very significant. From these educational provisions of NPE 2020 it can be clearly stated that the role of NEP 20 is very significant in women development, therefore through this theoretical analysis it is tried to study the role of NEP20 in promoting education among women in India.

Key words: Education, Women, Promotion, Development, Issues.

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