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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 370-380

The experiment of beginning of violin training with “Colourstrings”, a string instrument teaching method based on Kodaly child music education approach

Sibel Çoban, Neriman Soykunt.


The aim of the study is to examine the effect of the Colurstrings method on the learning of students who are at the beginning level of violin training. The study conducted with a group pre-posttest model, lasted for eight weeks and worked with two students who started to learn violin. The collection of data was provided by the music education specialists who monitored the preliminary information tests and the recordings made during the research and also by filling in the performance observation forms prepared by the researcher. In the analysis of the data, Friendman test, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used. The findings show that the Colourstrings instrument teaching method is effective and persistent on the learners' learning situation. Moreover, the method was found to be effective and useful by experts, and it was observed that the students were successful with the Colourstrings method.

Key words: Kodaly method, Violin training, Colourstrings, Instrument training, Children music education

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