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Original Research

RMJ. 2015; 40(1): 21-23

Anxiety and depression in 3rd year MBBS students of CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan

Maqbool Ahmad Khan, Zahara Haider, Masood Khokhar.


Objective: To asses Anxiety &Depression in 3rd year MBBS students of CMH Lahore Medical College.
Study design: Cross-sectional descriptive study.
Place and duration of study: This study was conducted at CMH Lahore Medical College in April 2014 on 3rd year MBBS students.
Subjects and Methods: One hundred and ten students of 3rd year MBBS were selected conveniently from the class at CMH Lahore Medical College. Written informed consent was obtained. Diagnostic instruments like Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale (HAD Scale) English version was used for data collection.
Results: Total enrolled students were 110 with mean age 21 years, out of this 55 (50%) were males and 55 (50%) females. Results showed that out of 110 students 36 (32.7%) were suffering from anxiety, from which, sixteen (16) male (44%) had anxiety, twenty (20) female (56%) students had anxiety. 12 students (10.9%) were suffering from depression, out of which, six male (50%) students and six female (50%) students had depression.
Conclusion: Anxiety was present predominantly in female students, where as depression remains equally distributed in both the genders. The quality of overall academics can be improved in students with treatment by psychiatrist/counselor

Key words: Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale (HAD Scale), Conditioned Stimulus (CS), Unconditioned Stimulus (US), Conditioned Response (CR)

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