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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5521-5529

An Investigation On Women Education: With Reference To India

Parwaiz Suhaib Ahmed, Dr. Vandana Bhatnagar, Dr. Gargee Singh.


Female education is a broad word that encompasses a wide range of complex issues and debates concerning the education of girls and women, notably in the areas of elementary, secondary, postsecondary, and health education. It is also known as women's education or education for girls. It addresses issues such as educational access and gender equality. Poverty alleviation is dependent on the education of women and girls. Single-sex education and religious education for women, both of which segregate education along gender lines, are bigger connected topics. Raising girls' educational attainment has been proved to improve young women's health and economic prospects, which in turn improves the chances of their entire society. Babies whose moms have completed elementary school have a lower infant mortality rate than infants whose mothers are uneducated. 50% of females don't go to high school in the world's poorest nations. However, studies suggest that for females, each additional year of education improves their lifetime income by 15%. The level of life for their own children rises as a result of increased female education and earning capacity, since women devote more of their money to their families than do males. But there are still numerous obstacles in the way of females' education. females are less likely to attend school in certain African nations, such Burkina Faso, for very fundamental reasons like a lack of private restroom facilities for females.

Key words: fundamental, education, human resources, literacy, government.

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