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Original Article

AJVS. 2015; 44(1): 9-14

Detection of Theileria spp and Hematological Profiles of Infected Cattle from Selected Farms in Selangor, Malaysia

Abdul Wahid Haron, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse, Syakira Syaza Ahmed, Yusuf Abba, Konto Mohammed, Abdulnasir Tijjani, Lawan Adamu, Mohammad Abubakar Sadiq.


A cross-sectional study was carried out in 5 selected cattle farms in Selangor, Malaysia to determine the occurrence of Theileria spp., and to assess the relationship between the rate of parasitemia and hematological profiles of infected cattle. A total of 50 young and adult cattle (male and female) were randomly selected for the study. Blood was collected aseptically from the jugular veins in EDTA vacutainers and thin blood smears was made on glass slides which were stained with Giemsa-stain for examination of Theileria spp and its piroplasms. The occurrence of Theileria spp. infection within the population was 68% and 72% for both young and adult cattle respectively. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the presence of the parasite andage groups of affected cattle. The hematological profiles of 35 cattle with Theileriosis was divided into 2 subgroups based on different parasitemia levels (

Key words: Cattle; Parasitemia; Theileria spp; Hematology; Anemia

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