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Anti inflammatory property of salbutamol on acute and chronic models of inflammation

Asha D Jadhav, Sudhir L Padwal, Rakesh R Jadhav, Swapnil S Jadhav, Harshal N Pise, Mangal K Choure.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: β2-Adrenergic receptor agonist agents were able to suppress the immune response by inhibiting release of IL-12 and production of TNF-α by the direct stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors on inflammatory immune cells. In addition to bronchodilator action, salbutamol could exert anti-inflammatory action.

Aims and Objective: To find the anti-inflammatory effect of salbutamol in acute and chronic models of inflammation.

Materials and Methods: Wistar albino rats of either sex weighing 200–250 g were used. Anti-inflammatory activity of salbutamol (2 mg/kg) was evaluated and compared with aspirin (300 mg/kg) using acute carrageenan method and formalin-induced arthritis method of inflammation. The result was statistically analyzed by one -way analysis of variance followed by Bonferroni test.

Results: The tested drug salbutamol at a dose of 2 mg/kg was found to possess significant anti-inflammatory activity in both acute and chronic methods of inflammation as compared to control but lesser than that of aspirin in carrageenaninduced paw edema and comparable with that of standard drug aspirin at a dose 300 mg/kg in formalin-induced arthritis.

Conclusion: Salbutamol possesses anti-inflammatory activity in acute and chronic methods of inflammation. Stimulation of β2-adrenergic receptors may have a predominant role in modulation of anti-inflammatory activity.

Key words: Salbutamol; Inflammation; Carageenin

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