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Role of HLA-A in Handedness

Talib Muhsin, Batool Mahdi, Hayam Raouf, Hayder Hashim, Laheeb Abid, Zena Nihad.


A relationship exists between cerebral dominance and right or left handedness. Left-hemisphere dominance occurs in 97% of right-handed people and in 70% of left-handed people. The other 30% of left-handed individuals have anomalous or right-hemisphere dominance. Both environmental and genetic factors have been proposed to explain the human handedness. Aim of this study was to determine the effect of genetic factor of human leukocytes antigens (HLA-A) on development of left handedness. A cross-sectional case control comparative study included thirty Iraqi Arab Muslims individuals with left handedness between September -2013 to June -2014. The second control group consisted from thirty individuals with right handedness. HLA-A typing was done to both groups using SSOP method. There was no significant difference between different alleles regarding HLA-A left handed compared with the control group. Genetic factor regarding HLA-A typing had no role in development left handedness.

Key words: HLA, handedness, genetic

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