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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 418-434

The capacity of formative assessment in teaching mathematics in primary schools by students: Analytical results from 11 universities in Vietnam

Trinh Tuyet Thi Le, Chung Xuan Pham, Son Trieu Nguyen, Trung Tran.


In Vietnam, many pedagogical students after graduating from their universities have good teaching capacity but their capacity to assess learners, especially the capacity of formative assessment has not met the requirements asset. This article aims to analyze the formative assessment capacity in teaching primary mathematics of pedagogical students at universities in Vietnam. The results of quantitative data analysis from a survey of 579 students juniors and seniors with a major in primary education at 11 universities in Vietnam showed their formative assessment capacity in teaching primary mathematics at universities in Vietnam is limited. From the results, we propose measures to develop formative assessment capacity in teaching primary mathematics of students

Key words: Formative assessment, Pedagogical students, Teaching primary Mathematics

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