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Letter to the Editor

Fluoride Anticoagulant Vials are Ideal for HbA1c Estimation in India

Devajit Sarmah, Booloo Sharma, Chandan Kr Nath.


In developing country like India fasting (FBS) and post prandial blood sugar (PPBS) has always been used for diagnosing diabetes. HbA1c is seldom used for diagnosis. Almost all HbA1c test accompanies blood sugar tests, and only in 4.56% HbA1c is done alone. In this case two samples need to be collected – one in Na‑fluoride/Na2 EDTA vials for blood sugar estimation and another in EDTA vial for HbA1c. We suggest through our study that the same Na‑fluoride/Na2 EDTA vials can be used for both the tests, without any change in test quality and results. This will reduce patient’s inconveniences and will also reduce the cost of HbA1c tests to a certain extent.

Key words: FBS, PPBS, HbA1c, Na‑fluoride/Na2 EDTA

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