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Accidental electrocution fatalities in Puducherry: A 3-year retrospective study

Ananda Reddy, Balaraman Ramachandran, Sengottuvel Palaniappan.


Background: Electrocutions are unusual and almost accidental in nature. They have not been sufficiently studied earlier in the Union Territory.

Objectives: This study was focused on the magnitude, manner of death, profile, and pattern of injuries among electrocutions.
Materials & Methods: We considered 3-year data of all electrocution-related deaths for which autopsies were carried out at the Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital and Postgraduate Institute, Puducherry, from January 2011 to December 2013. We retrospectively reviewed all the medicolegal records and gathered demographic, traumatic and investigative information, and finally analyzed the data.

Results: Electrocutions were accounted for 1.18% (52) of all medicolegal autopsies (n = 4403) conducted at our study center during those 3 years. The age of the victims were from 18 months to 68 years, but young adults aged between 21 and 30 years (33%) and males (81%) were more in numbers. The majority of the victims were Hindus (83%) and from rural backdrop (56%). Domestic accidents are clearly prevailed over industrial accidents. Occupants electrocuted most often are agricultural workers (27%), housewives (19%), laborers (17%), and students (12%). Hands and fingers are the most common sites for entry marks (65%), whereas soles and toes (17%) are frequent sites for exit marks in fatal cases. Only entry marks were reported in 58% cases, but both entry and exit marks were noticed in 23% cases. All deaths were accidental, no suicidal and homicide cases were reported. Chemical analysis and histological investigations helped in determining the cause of death in unclear and suspected cases.

Conclusions: Electrocutions represent only a small segment of unnatural deaths; they often occur accidentally in domestic and occupational places. Thus, it is necessary to reduce fatalities related with electrocution among the general public and risk groups by promoting health education on how to prevent electrocution and flawless use of simple safety precautions.

Key words: Fatalities, domestic, accidents, manner of death

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