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Case Report

Dusunen Adam. 2015; 28(4): 382-386

Asperger’s Syndrome in adulthood: a case report

Ferdi Kosger, Sinem Sevil, Zafer Subasi, Cem Kaptanoglu.


Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) is characterized by social deficits, communication difficulties, and stereotypical behaviors. Unlike autism, delays in language and cognitive development are not seen in Asperger’s syndrome. AS is typically diagnosed in childhood, although some cases may be diagnosed in adulthood. Due to the clinical features of AS, diagnostically it can be confused with schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and personality disorders; hence, diagnosis of AS may be missed, especially in adulthood. This case is presented to emphasize the importance of adult AS, given that it is generally diagnosed in childhood, which leads to difficulties in diagnosis and differential diagnosis in adulthood if the condition has not been diagnosed in childhood.

Key words: Adulthood, Asperger’s Syndrome, pervasive development disorder

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