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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8690-8699

Customer Satisfaction Towards Maruti Suzuki In Kadi

Mr. Jitendra kumar Joitabhai Patel.


Banks play a critical part in the movement and generation of finance for new capital initiatives, commercial advancements, and foreign trades by the country's entrepreneurs in this period of continuous economic growth and development in India. Since any discrepancies or declines in a bank's financial performance could have a negative impact on the entire economic system, from the common person to the richest person in the country, now is the time to carefully consider the financials of the nation's banks. In order to find out comparative outcomes, the researcher here has attempted to discover and analyze the financial performance of a few Indian private sector banks and public sector banks.

Key words: Financial Institute, Maruti Suzuki , Financial Performance.

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