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RMJ. 2015; 40(1): 65-70

Effectiveness of vestibular exercise in acute vertigo

Noor Dina Hashim, Asma Abdullah, Mazita Ami, Roslenda Abdul Rahman.


Objective: To evaluate effectiveness of vestibular exercises in acute vertigo.
Methodology: 45 patients with acute vertigo were divided into 2 groups; 23 in Study Group (SG) and 22 in Control Group (CG). All patients were given tablet Betahistine 24mg twice daily as basic medical treatment and tablet Stemetil 5mg as a rescue. Those in SG also received vestibular exercise. Assessment was done using validated questionnaires, neuro-otology tests and individual diaries.
Results : Intragroup comparison of intensity of symptoms showed a significant improvement from baseline, 3-month and 6-month visit with p

Key words: Vertigo, vestibular, postural balance

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