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Research Article

EEO. 2015; 14(3): 1260-1274

Role Of English For Specific Purposes (Esp) In Business Communication

Dr. R. Ramesh, Dr. J. Jenitha.


English is a universal language and a language of intercontinental culture, which embraces world wide knowledge. It is an easy medium of communication in the international sphere of life. Being an international knowledge language, it has created better understanding among the nations of the world and their culture. It is one of the accepted medium for international business transactions. The advent of 21st century has accompanied globalization in scientific, technical and economical activities on an international scale, which has magnified as the role of English language in international communications. In order to achieve better and more effective results in an international trade, the relevant business people must be given adequate training in using Business English. To be involved in the world / national business, there is always a need for an internationally accepted language. Obviously, English language has attained that status.

Key words: Specific , Purposes , Business , Communication

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