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RMJ. 2015; 40(1): 34-36

Effectiveness of neuromobilization in patients with cervical radiculopathy

Sahreen Anwar, Arshad Nawaz Malik, Imran Amjad.


Objective: The purpose of the study was to find out the efficacy of Neuromobilization in the treatment of cervical radiculopathy.

Methodology: The research is a randomised clinical trial. The duration of the study was 6 months and the research participants were recruited through purpose sampling technique. A sample of 30 patients was taken and assigned to 2 groups randomly i.e. treatment and control group. Conventional treatment consisted of intermittent cervical traction, moist hot pack, isometric neck exercises, was provided to both groups. Participants in the experimental group received neural mobilization as an additional treatment. The measurements were taken in the form of visual analog scale (VAS), and neck disability index (NDI).

Results: The result showed the p value (0.00

Key words: Cervical radiculopathy, neuromobilization, neck disability index

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