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Evaluation of Neuroimaging and Electroencephalography Findings in Patients with Status Epilepticus [Status Epileptikus Tanısıyla İzlenen Hastaların Nörogörüntüleme ve EEG Bulgularının Değerlendirilmesi]

Berrak Bilginer Gurbuz, Fatih Gurbuz, Atilla Cayir, Irfan Oguz Sahin, Deniz Okdemir, Alev Guven, Aydan Degerliyurt, Gulsen Kose.


Status epilepticus (SE) is one of the most important pediatric emergent conditions because of major cause of morbidity and mortality. SE should be diagnosed and treated emergently, because it is one of the diseases that may lead to serious sequalea. The aim of the study is to evaluate neuroimaging methods and electroencephalography (EEG) findings of patients with SE, who were under follow up at our hospital. 162 patients (age range, 0-18 years) with SE treated and followed at our hospital between December 2006 and May 2009 were enrolled in our study. Patient’s age, sex, MRI- CT imaging and EEG findings were recorded from patient’s files. Patient’s age and sex were similar. CT was available in 41 patients and MRI was available in 36 patients. CT results of 28 patients were normal, but some pathologies were found in 13 patients. MRI results of 14 patients were normal, but some alterations were detected in 22 patients. EEG was present in 97 patients. EEG results of 49 patients (%50.5) were normal. Consequently, there is no enough data regarding the necessity of the use of neuroimaging methods in case of previous etiology-confirmed SE. However, neuroimaging methods may be considered useful to determinate etiology of SE, response to treatment, and effects on long-term prognosis. Moreover, we can highlight that the early period EEG may be important in determining prognosis.

Key words: Status epilepticus, children, neuroimaging, EEG

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