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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5600-5615

Social Implication Of Forced Displacement: A Study On Displaced People Of Lake Chad, Region In Nigeria

Wakil Ibrahim Mustapha, Dr. Sudesh Kumar.


The violent conflicts between nomadic pastoralist and sedentary farmer communities in the Lake Chad region and in Nigeria in general has caused thousands of lives and economic losses. The conflict has escalated in recent years as conflicting parties have easier access to arms and communication devices. The old, traditional negotiation mechanisms between the groups have mostly collapsed, therefore the ones who have better equipment try to get what they want without talking to other parties. The main reason of the conflict is basically the scarcity of resources; however, the scarcity did not appear suddenly in the region and it is also a result of several other factors which will be examined below such as inefficient state mechanisms, late effects of colonialism, climate change, increasing armament of non-state groups, leasing of farmlands etc.

Key words: conflict, nomadic pastoralist, conflict, sedentary farmer, scio-economic.

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