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RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 220-223

Effect of “Wii-habilitation” and constraint induced movement therapy on improving quality of life in stroke survivors

Aiman Farogh Anjum, Ghazala Jawwad, Aamna Khokhar, Noman Sadiq, Rizwan Masud, Ahmed Murtaz Khalid.


Objective: To assess the efficacy of Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) based “motion capture/Augmented Reality (AR)” Rehabilitation using Nintendo Wii with conventional physiotherapy for the upper limb post stroke in terms of the upper extremity modalities of Barthel Index.
Methodology: This randomized controlled trial was conducted at the Physiotherapy department, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi from March 2015 to March 2016. 40 stroke patients were recruited and were divided into “study” and “control” groups. Stroke type and hemisphere involved, time since stroke, handedness and blood pressure as well as scores of Barthel index of both the groups were recorded. The control group received conventional physiotherapy and the study group engaged in CIMT augmented by Nintendo Wii based Augmented Reality Rehabilitation for the upper extremity. Four sessions per week for four weeks were given and the above parameters were recorded post-intervention.
Results: Both the control and study groups showed marked improvement in all parameters post-intervention. The difference of the average scores of Barthel Index amongst the control and study groups was highly significant (p

Key words: Stroke, augmented reality rehabilitation, constraint induced movement therapy.

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