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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5665-5677

Systematic Review On Tribals With Special Reference To Their Education And Sociological Issues

Arpita Rishi, Dr. Lalit Mohan Choudhary.


The Scheduled Tribes have been socially isolated and have lived outside the mainstream of society, unlike the latter group, which is deemed dirty or unclean and is at the bottom of the social order hierarchy. The sections of the country that are underdeveloped are largely those where tribal people live. One of India's most economically disadvantaged and marginalized groups is the population of Scheduled Tribes. Numerous studies have shown that tribal people in India's education and aspiration levels are directly correlated with their socioeconomic condition and vice versa. In this article, systematic review on tribals with special reference to their education and sociological issues has been discussed.

Key words: Tribals, Education, Sociology, Issues.

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