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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8713-8720

A Study On Consumer’s Perception Towards E-Banking Services Of Co-Operative Banks In Rural Areas With Special Reference To Kadi

Dr. Jignesh Valand, Mr. Pankitbhai C. Patel.


The Banking industry plays a very important role in the economy of any country. It provides credit to all the sections of the society so it’s essential to the economy. India is not only the world’s largest independent democracy but it is also an emerging economic giant. Banks plays a dominant role to support socio-economic matters which helps in attaining development of a country. The Banking industry is a rapidly growing industry in India. It acts as a spine of the modern business. Money lending came into existence with the history of mankind. Banks evolution thrived from ancient Vedic time which is known in form of money lender, goldsmiths, and the merchants. A Bank is described as an institution engaged in lending and depositing money but it has enhanced a lot in banking services. Nowadays, the banking industry is growing at a higher pace in all the fields so they can provide the best services to their customers as well as bankers. Banking is generally a highly regulated industry and Government restrictions on financial activities by banks have varied over time and location Banking is as old as the real history and the heritage of modern commercial banking are noticeable to ancient times. The word bank is derived from Italian word Banca and French word Banque both meaning bench. Money-lenders and money changers used to transact their business at benches or tables.

Key words: E-banking, Financial Security, Financial Provision. Attitude, Internet banking, Chi-square test, Customer Behavior, Perceptions.

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