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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5719-5722

Lineage And Disciple Tradition Of Farrukhabad Gharana In Tabla Playing: A Study

Harjeet Kaur, Dr. Atul Kumar Gupta.


In the presented research article, light has been thrown on the lineage and disciple tradition of the Farrukhabad Gharana and an attempt has been made to find out how the Farrukhabad Gharana has developed and emerged. The presented research also looks at how the traditions of the descendants and disciples of the Farrukhabad Gharana are running in the present scenario and what is their role in playing the tabla. Through this research, attention has been paid to the characteristics of the tabla of the Farrukhabad Gharana. After study, it is known that Farrukhabad Gharana is about 200 years old gharana and just as other gharanas have carried along both lineage and disciple tradition, in the same way this gharana has also carried on its own.

Key words: Tabla, Farrukhabad, Gharana, Dynasty, Disciple Tradition.

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