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Review Article

Factors Contributing to the Development of Air Ambulance Base: A Protocol for Systematic Review

Zahra Eskandari, Sanaz Sohrabizadeh, Fatemeh Nouri, Davoud Khorasani-Zavareh, Zohreh Ghomian.


Introduction: Determining the proper locations of air ambulance bases is of great importance, because it is the optimal solution for providing health services and achieving the goal of maximum population coverage, the minimum time and distance, as well as infrastructure costs reduction. Thus, a systematic literature review is needed to identify the factors affecting the development of air ambulance bases.
Methods and analysis: The present study will provide a protocol for identifying the factors affecting the development of air relief bases, through searching six international databases (Web of Science, Pub Med, Pro Quest, Scopus, Science Direct and Google Scholar). It will be carried out in two steps. The first step will be selection and categorization of articles based on the PRISMA guidelines for systematic review studies. In the second steps, the results of the study will be analyzed thematically and then categories and sub- categories will be extracted.

Key words: Air Ambulance, development, Systematic Review, Bases

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