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Posterior condylar foramen — Anatomical variation

Usha Kothandaraman, Sadhu Lokanadham.


Background: The condylar canal opens at the base of the skull just behind the occipital condyles. The patency of the channel depends upon the condylar emissary vein that runs along its path.

Objective: To study the anatomical variation in posterior condylar foramen.

Materials and Methods: A total of 50 dry adult human skulls were used from the Department of Anatomy, ESIC Medical College, Chennai, to study the posterior condylar canal and its variations.

Results: The incidence of posterior condylar foramina was 26%, bilateral 16%, and unilateral 10%. Intrasinus form of posterior condylar foramina was in 20% and retrosinus form in 6% of the 50 skulls observed in our study.

Conclusion: Anatomical variations of posterior condylar foramina are important during the treatment of dural arteriovenous fistula. Our study gives basic knowledge to the clinicians and surgeons before planning a surgery in the occipital condylar regions.

Key words: Posterior condylar canal, bilateral, unilateral, variation

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