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Complementary feeding practices among mothers of Waghodia Taluka of Vadodara: a knowledge, attitude, and practice study

Bhadra Y Trivedi, Shailee N Vyas, Bhavin S Dave, Khyati A Desai.


Background: Well-being of child is directly related to the nutritional status of the baby. Malnutrition rate increases between 6 and 18 months—the period of complementary feeding. Appropriate complementary feeding promotes growth and prevents stunting among children aged between 6 and 24 months.

Objective: To document the knowledge, attitude, and practices pertaining to complementary feeding among the mothers of Waghodia Taluka of Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among the conveniently enrolled 250 mothers of Waghodiya Taluka of Vadodara having at least one child less than 2 years of age. Data were entered and analyzed using Excel 2007 and Epi Info 7 software.

Results: Cow’s milk was most common (44.4%) introductory food item. Around 58% mothers fed their children less than five times a day. Around 75% mothers fed their children by themselves; 17% were unaware about measures for maintaining hygiene. Most common illnesses associated with poor feeding as described by mothers were diarrhea (30%) and vomiting (22%). Literate mothers were observed to feed their children 2.4 times more if they had developed diarrhea (X2 = 9.2986, df = 1, p < 0.01; OR = 2.4209; 1.3610–4.3063) and 3 times more during the episode of fever (X2 = 6.8517, df = 1, p < 0.01; OR = 3.3962; 1.3002–8.8713).

Conclusion: Improper feeding practices were associated with education status of mothers. Knowledge about hygiene practices and illnesses related to poor feeding was also found less and both required more attention.

Key words: Complimentary feeding, maternal education

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