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A study on the status of and factors in irregular menstruation in university students

Tuba Uçar, Yeşim Aksoy Derya, Sermin Timur Taşhan.


Aim: The purpose of this study is to identify the status of and factors in irregular menstruation in university students.
Methods: The present descriptive study was conducted at Health College of Inonu University between November 15 and December 01, 2012. The population was comprised of a total of 678 female students who studied Midwifery (n=212) and Nursing (n=466). No specific sample was chosen; therefore, all the participants were included within the scope of the study. However, the sample was comprised of a total of 365 students who volunteered to participate in the study. The data were obtained through the “Personal Information Form” and analyzed via such statistics as Pearson’s Chi-Squared test, Fisher’s exact test and t-test for independent groups.
Results: The mean age of the participants was 20.28±1.99. While 46% of them studied midwifery, the remaining 54% studied nursing. The mean menarche age was 13.45±1.55 whereas the mean menstruation length was 5.61±1.88. The prevalence of irregular menstruation in the students was 23.8%. The study could not yield a correlation between irregular menstruation and age, presence of chronic disease and average daily sleep time with irregular menstruation (p>0.05). Those students who do not exercise regularly, had psychiatric disorders, regular drug users, in users of oral contraceptives, smoked and had higher Body-Mass Indices were more likely to suffer from irregular menstruation (p

Key words: University students, irregular menstruation, factors in irregular menstruation.

Article Language: Turkish English

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