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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5733-5747

Unveiling The Challenges Of Rural Tourism Entrepreneurship In Jammu And Kashmir

Basith Nabi Wani, Dr. Danish Iqbal Raina, Dr. Parvez Abdullah khan.


This research explores rural tourism entrepreneurship in the enchanting district of Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir. It pursues a dual-purpose: firstly, to unravel the conceptual underpinnings of rural entrepreneurship in this region, and secondly, to dissect the diverse challenges faced by local entrepreneurs. The study employs a carefully selected sample of 40 participants, gathering primary data through structured interviews. Additionally, secondary data from reports and academic sources enriches the analysis. This investigation seeks to enhance our comprehension of rural tourism entrepreneurship, shedding light on the unique hurdles and opportunities that characterize this captivating locale. The findings reveal a rich tapestry of rural entrepreneurship in Baramulla, characterized by diverse age groups, a significant gender imbalance, and varied educational backgrounds. The study uncovers financial constraints, intense competition, and infrastructural limitations as prominent challenges. The insights derived from this study hold the potential to inform strategic interventions and policies aimed at promoting sustainable growth and development in Baramulla's rural tourism sector, thereby contributing to the region's economic prosperity and social welfare.

Key words: Entrepreneurship, Rural, Tourism, Challenges and J&K.

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