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Case Report

Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath restricting joint movement in the thumb: A case study and review of literature

Muzaffer Durmus, Abdul Kerim Yapici, Sedat Avsar, Nuri Yigit, Yalcin Bayram.


Giant cell tumors of the tendon sheath are the second most common type of subcutaneous benign tumors found in the hand. These tumors are slow growing soft tissue mases that develop over a long period of time and can occur at any age. Although such lesions are usually painless, there is a possibility of recurrence of the tumor. Patients should seek postoperative management in order to prevent any possibility of recurrence.
In view of the current literature, we present a case involving a patient suffering from a multifocal giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath that restricted movement of the interphalangeal joints of the thumb.

Key words: Tendon, giant cell, tumor, sheath, recurrence

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