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Case Report

The juncturae tendinum flap: An alternative method for the reconstruction of extensor tendon defects

Ugur Horoz, Avni Tolga Eryilmaz, Emre Inozu, Ergin Seven, Ali Teoman Tellioglu.


Extensor tendon injuries are common conditions because these tendons are located in less protected anatomical locations compared to flexor tendons. Extensor tendons are linked on the dorsum of the hand by cross-connexions, called juncturae tendinums, or intertendinous connexions. Several methods for extensor tendon reconstruction have been reported in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, tendon reconstruction incorporating the juncturae tendinum has not been previously reported. Here we describe the use of the juncturae tendinum flap for the reconstruction of extensor tendon defects on the dorsum of the hand. A simple, one stage, minimally invasive procedure is reported that preserves the option of performing other potentially necessary reconstruction methods for repairing tendon defects.

Key words: Tendon defect, extensor tendon, juncturae tendinum flap, reconstruction

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