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Evaluation of the antioxidant activity and the healing action of the ethanol extract of Calotropis procera bark against surgical wounds

David Emery Tsala, Nga Nnanga, Martin Thiery Bella Ndzana, Bienvenue Therese Mballa, Theophile Dimo.


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the antioxidant potential and the wound healing effect of the ethanolic extract of the bark of Calotropis procera. The antioxidant study was evaluated in vitro, using DPPH and deoxyribose degradation assays. Wound healing was studied using excision and incision wound on normal and dexamethasone-suppressed wound healing rodent models. Alkaloids, flavonoids, proteins and phenols where screened in the extract used whereas saponins and true tannins where absent. The extract contains only 12.5 gallic acid equivalent and 399.54 rutin equivalent. It was found to inhibit DPPH and deoxyribose oxidation (IC50= 24.24 and 5.40 respectively). In vivo study demonstrated a significant reduction in the epithelialization time (P

Key words: Calotropis procera, antioxidant, skin, epithelialization, breaking strength

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