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Awareness among junior residents regarding management of animal bite in a tertiary care hospital in Haryana

S K Shashikantha, S K Asharani.


Background: Animal bites in humans are a major public health problem. Rabies is a highly fatal disease, killing an estimated 20,000 people in India annually. This virtually fatal disease is nearly hundred percent preventable by appropriate postexposure prophylaxis. The knowledge regarding animal bite management among health professionals is of utmost importance for prevention of this deadly disease.

Objective: To assess the awareness about animal bite management in prevention of transmission of rabies to humans among junior residents.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was undertaken among 120 randomly selected junior residents from various departments of the institute giving equal consideration to residents of clinical and paraclinical patients. The study was carried out in the month of September 2011 using the pretested semi-structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed by appropriate statistical tests using the SPSS software, version 18.0.

Results: Residents of the clinical patients had better knowledge regarding burden of rabies (80%). Only 50% residents belonging to pre- and paraclinical patients had knowledge about correct categorization of animal bite wound. Only 52% residents of pre- and paraclinical patients were aware of intradermal antirabies vaccine schedule and immunoglobulin dose to be administered. Nearly two-thirds residents of clinical patients were aware of preexposure prophylaxis schedule.

Conclusion: Owing to poor knowledge about prevention and management of such a deadly disease, special attention is needed in strengthening the fundamentals of management skills in internship and through orientation program to junior residents.

Key words: Rabies, junior residents, antirabies vaccine

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