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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(4): 078-082

Pattern of adverse drug reactions to antibiotics commonly prescribed in department of medicine and pediatrics in a tertiary care teaching hospital, Ghaziabad

Kavita Dhar, Akanksha Sinha, Preeti Gaur, Rajkumar Goel, V. S. Chopra, Umakant Bajaj.


Pattern Of Adverse Drug Reactions To Antibiotics commonly prescribed In Department Of Medicine And Paediatrics in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Ghaziabad

Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are important causes of mortality and morbidity and constitute an enormous burden for the society. Many studies have implicated that the antibiotics are among the major group of drugs, which cause adverse drug reactions (ADRs).
This Retrospective, non- interventional study was undertaken in Medicine and Paediatric unit from November 2013 to April 2014 to monitor the adverse drug reactions of antibiotics prescribed by physicians and paediatricians in a tertiary care hospital, Ghaziabad, to establish ten most common antibiotics which caused ADRs, to determine most commonly affected organ system and assesss their causality.

Key words: Adverse drug reaction (ADR), Antibiotics, Beta-Lactams, Pharmacovigilance, WHO Scale.

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