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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5780-5784

Study Habits And Achievement Motivation Among High School Students

Dr. T. Sireesha, Visvavidyalayam.


The study habits of learner mean the ability to schedule his time, the plan of study, the habit of concentration. Majority of the students do not know how to utilize their time properly. They may fall in a sense of urgency to attend to study. They may get confused of some questions. They are, where to study? When to study? And what is the purpose of study? etc., this is because of lack of proper study habits among the students.
Study habits have such a great importance with educational improvement and achievement. Achievement motivation is a strong ingredient of human behavior. The proportion of this in an individual decides the nature and intensity of his/her acts. In general the achievement motive has been described by Heckhausen (1967) as “the striving to increase or keep as high as possible, one’s capability in all activities in which a standard excellence is thought to apply and where the execution of such activities can be, therefore, either success or failure.” Hence the researcher the selected this topic for the study.

Key words: Study , Achievement , High , School , Student

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