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Case Report

Cubital tunnel syndrome caused by hypertrophic burn scarring: Sonographic envisage

Alparslan Bayram Carli, Hasan Turgut, Cengiz Kaplan, Muzaffer Durmus.


In nerve entrapment syndromes, an electrodiagnostic study during physical examination would usually suffice to assess localization of injury. However, in daily clinical practice, sometimes it may be necessary to depict the insight; in other words to use an imaging tool. From this point of view, with its manifold advantages, ultrasound (US) is superior to other imaging technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). According to a study, US increased the sensitivity of electrodiagnostic studies from 78% to 98%. By presenting a patient with cubital tunnel syndrome caused by hypertrophic scarring, we wanted to highlight the complementary role of US in nerve entrapment syndromes in confirming the entrapment, as well as the usefulness of it in the follow-up period of burn patients.

Key words: Burn, hypertrophic scar, ulnar nerve, entrapment, ultrasound

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