Background: Interpedicular distance (IPD) determines the functioning of spine. There is a significant difference in the size of the lumbar vertebral canal in different ethnic groups, emphasizing physiology and clinical problems present in that group.
Objectives: To identify IPD of lumbar vertebrae in the Bundelkhand region.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 65 dry human lumbar vertebrae (20 atypical and 45 typical) obtained from 65 cadavers in the Bundelkhand region. IPD was measured with the help of a sliding vernier caliper.
Results: It was found that in the Bundelkhand region, mean transverse diameter (IPD) for typical lumbar vertebrae was 22.075 mm (range 15.430.5 mm) and for atypical lumbar vertebrae it was 25.16 mm (range 20.829.5 mm).
Conclusion: In the Bundelkhand region, IPD shows slightly less value than that reported by other studies, which may be a risk factor to clinical problems attributed to this region.
Key words: Lumbar vertebrae, interpedicular distance, transverse diameter