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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5785-5790

Indigenous Environmental Knowledge And Sustainable Development: A Case Study Of Traditional Ecological Practices In India

Dr. Rahul Baldevbhai Joshi.


This research paper explores the pivotal role of Indigenous Environmental Knowledge (IEK) in promoting sustainable development, with a specific focus on traditional ecological practices in India. The study investigates the profound wisdom and time-tested practices of indigenous communities in India, highlighting their significance in addressing contemporary environmental challenges. Through a comprehensive analysis of case studies, ethnographic research, and ecological data, this research elucidates the holistic nature of IEK and its potential to contribute to global sustainability goals. By examining the integration of traditional knowledge systems into modern environmental policies and practices, the paper underscores the need for cultural preservation, environmental conservation, and the synergy between indigenous wisdom and scientific advancements. The findings emphasize the importance of recognizing and respecting Indigenous Environmental Knowledge as a valuable resource for achieving sustainable development.

Key words: 1. Indigenous Environmental Knowledge (IEK) 2. Traditional Ecological Practices 3. Sustainable Development 4. India 5. Environmental Conservation 6. Traditional Knowledge Systems 7. Cultural Preservation 8. Ethnographic Research 9. Environmental Policy 10. Holistic Sustainability

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